Nevada Governor Sisolak Looking to Appoint NIC Commissioner

Nevada Governor Sisolak Looking to Appoint NIC Commissioner

Are you interested in joining the Nevada Indian Commission team…?

We have an open seat for our 5-person advisory body.

Per NRS 233A.090, here is our purpose–to study matters affecting the social and economic welfare and well-being of American Indians residing in Nevada, including, but not limited to, matters and problems relating to Indian affairs and to federal and state control, responsibility, policy and operations affecting such Indians. The Commission shall recommend necessary or appropriate action, policy and legislation or revision of legislation and administrative agency regulations pertaining to such Indians. The Commission shall make and report from time to time its findings and recommendations to the Legislature, to the Governor and to the public and shall so report at least biennially.

If you are interested, please submit the required paperwork posted at:

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