Nevada Indian Commissioner Staci Emm

Staci Emm has been with the University of Nevada, Reno Extension since July of 2000 and currently is a Professor and Extension Educator in Mineral County, Nevada. Previously, she was the Program Officer for Extension programs for Nevada Indian Tribes.

Emm was born in Reno, Nevada, grew up on the Walker River Paiute reservation, and is a member of the Yerington Paiute Nation.

She is a graduate of Mineral County High School (1991), earned a BA in Journalism from the University of Nevada, Reno (1996), and earned a Masters of Agriculture from Colorado State University (2003).

Emm is nationally recognized for agricultural and American Indian Extension programs. Currently, she works with several team members to deliver agricultural Extension programs in Nevada; manages and oversees the Mineral County Extension office; is a project director for the Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP); and works with American Indian tribes in Nevada and throughout the United States on land, water, and USDA program access issues.

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