SB364 – In Honor of Native American Heritage Month

To celebrate Native American Heritage Month, we are sharing all the favorable outcomes of the 82nd Legislative Session.

As all our relatives become more engaged in civic matters, please know that the bill which “makes various changes relating to cultural remains, ” is now a law. Existing law authorizes the Office of Historic Preservation of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to adopt regulations to carry out the provisions of existing law relating to the protection of Indian burial sites and historic and prehistoric sites. (NRS 383.440)

Section 3 of this bill requires:

(1) such regulations to incorporate the values, beliefs and traditions of the Indian tribes of this State and requires the Nevada Indian Commission to consult with Indian tribes on behalf of the Office and submit the results of the consultation to the Office; and

(2) that the Office deliver such proposed regulations to the Legislative Counsel not later than December 31, 2023.

Section 1 of this bill provides that if a law enforcement agency goes to a location where human remains are found that are reasonably believed to be a native Indian, the law enforcement agency, as part of an investigation, is required to:

(1) consult with a representative of an Indian tribe located within the county where the remains are found; or

(2) notify the Office.

The NEVADA INDIAN COMMISSION (NIC) is a State agency created by statute in 1965 to “study matters affecting the social and economic welfare and well-being of American Indians residing in Nevada, including but not limited to matters and problems relating to Indian affairs and to federal and state control, responsibility, policy, and operations affecting such Indians.” Beginning on July 1, 2024, our agency will be known as the Department of Native American Affairs (DNA).

For more information about the treatment of sacred remains, click here.

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