AB19 – In Honor of Native American Heritage Month

To celebrate Native American Heritage Month, we are sharing all the favorable outcomes of the 82nd Legislative Session.

As all our relatives become more engaged in civic matters, please know that the bill which expanded “Existing law that establish the channel clearance, maintenance, restoration, surveying and monumenting program which provides grants to local governments in Nevada for the clearance, maintenance, restoration, surveying, and monumenting of navigable rivers in Nevada. (NRS 532.220),” is now a law.

(AB 19) Section 2 of this bill expands the entities eligible to apply for a grant from the program to include Tribal governments in Nevada. Section 1 of this bill defines “Tribal government” to mean a federally recognized American Indian Tribe. Section 3 of this bill makes a conforming change to include Tribal governments in the entities eligible to receive money from the account for the channel clearance, maintenance, restoration, surveying, and monumenting program in the State General Fund.

Existing law provides that:

1)  Any licensed professional engineer or land surveyor may apply to the State Engineer for appointment as a state water right surveyor; and 2) An officer or employee of the Federal Government who is not a professional engineer or professional land surveyor may apply to be a state water right surveyor, but any certificate issued to such an officer or employee is restricted to work for the Federal Government. (NRS 533.080) Section 4 of this bill provides that an officer or employee of tribal government who is not a professional engineer or professional land surveyor may also apply for appointment as a state water right surveyor, but any certificate issued to such an officer or employee is restricted to work for the Tribal government.

The NEVADA INDIAN COMMISSION (NIC) is a State agency created by statute in 1965 to “study matters affecting the social and economic welfare and well-being of American Indians residing in Nevada, including but not limited to matters and problems relating to Indian affairs and to federal and state control, responsibility, policy, and operations affecting such Indians.”  Beginning on July 1, 2024, our agency will be known as the Department of Native American Affairs (DNA).         

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