Amber Torres, Walker River Paiute Tribal Chairman

We begin honoring our leaders this month with Walker River Chair, Amber Torres

Amber Torres, is a tribal citizen of the Walker River Paiute Tribe in Schurz, Nevada.  She has been elected to serve on the Walker River Tribal Council since 2010, and held the role of the Tribal Chairman since 2016.  She worked for the Walker River Tribal Health Clinic in Purchased Referred Care for thirteen years prior to this. She has three daughters Kylie, Elizabella, and Brynn Torres.

She currently represents Nevada tribes by serving on the Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada Executive Board, Equity Cabinet created by Congressman Horsford, serves as Chair for the Congressionally Mandated Intergovernmental Executive Committee,  Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona Steering Committee, National Indian Health Board, Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee for IHS/SDPI, Tribal Interior Budget Council for BIA, IHS Director’s Workgroup on Improving Purchase Referred Care, Phoenix Area Representative for IHS Director’s Advisory Work Group on Tribal Consultation Native Farm Bill Coalition, USDA Tribal Leaders Consultation Workgroup (FDPIR), a Co-Chair for Indian Health Service National Budget Formulation Committee, former Board Member on the National Congress of American Indians Executive Board (Western Region). She has been nominated to serve on these boards as the Phoenix Area Representative which represent the Arizona, Nevada, and Utah tribes.

Chairman Torres has been appointed to the HHS Secretary’s Tribal Advisory Committee (STAC) as the Phoenix Area Alternate Delegate.  She was selected by the Governor to serve on Nevada Governor Sisolak’s Tribal Advisory Board.  Chairman has most recently been appointed to the Department of Interior’s first ever historical Secretary’s Tribal Advisory Committee.

Thank you, Chair Torres for your tireless efforts on behalf of all our Native citizens.


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