Earnest Wungnema a Hopi master stone mason brought his skills to the Stewart Indian School in order to teach his son Burton (1927-1956) and the other students the art of stone masonry.
The students worked hard on the stone buildings and it is due to their hard work that the Stewart Indian School buildings are largely still intact. Burton helped his father build other stone works around the Carson-Tahoe area. Burton went on to pass these skills down to his family.
You can see many of the buildings, fences and other stone work still standing in the Carson/Tahoe area.
Native American Heritage Spotlight Earnest and Burton Wungnema
Native American Heritage Month Spotlight Matika Wilbur
Native American Heritage Month Spotlight Chief Numaga
Native American Heritage Month Spotlight, Jack Malotte
Native American Heritage Month Spotlight, Dr. Susan La Flesche
Native American Heritage Month Spotlight, Mary & Carrie Dann
This month, in celebration of Native American Heritage Month, we will be highlighting some of the many remarkable contributors to Indian country. In no way is this list comprehensive or extensive. For the next 30 days we will present a brief biography a day.
Native American Population Grows in Clark County
Stacey Montooth and the future of the Nevada Indian Commission
Governor Sisolak Proclaims September 27, 2019 as Native American Day