Legislative Wins in Honor of Native American Heritage Month

To celebrate Native American Heritage Month, we are sharing all the favorable outcomes of the 82nd Legislative Session.

As all our relatives become more engaged in civic matters, please know that an act relating “Revises provisions relating to interscholastic activities and events” is now law.

Existing law requires the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association to adopt rules and regulations as is necessary to govern interscholastic activities and events in this State. (NRS 385B.060)

Further, existing regulations provide that a pupil is eligible to participate in a sanctioned sport for not more than 8 consecutive semesters and 4 seasons. (NAC 385B.708)

On March 12, 2020, the Governor of the State of Nevada issued the Declaration of Emergency for COVID-19.

On May 20, 2022, the Governor issued the Proclamation Terminating Declaration of Emergency Related to COVID-19. 

Section 7 of this bill provides that a pupil who was enrolled in grade 9, 10, 11 or 12 at any time during the state of emergency is eligible to participate in any sanctioned sport, spirit squad or other interscholastic activity for which the rules governing eligibility are established by the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association or the board of trustees of a school district for at least 10 consecutive semesters and 5 seasons if the pupil has not completed the credits required to graduate and receive a high school diploma. 

The NEVADA INDIAN COMMISSION (NIC) is a State agency created by statute in 1965 to “study matters affecting the social and economic welfare and well-being of American Indians residing in Nevada, including but not limited to matters and problems relating to Indian affairs and to federal and state control, responsibility, policy, and operations affecting such Indians.” Beginning on July 1, 2024, our agency will be known as the Department of Native American Affairs (DNA).

For more information about an extra year of eligibility for high school student athletes, click here.

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