Washoe Tribe Dresslerville Community Chair, Ruben Vasquez

Rueben grew up in the Dresslerville Community.  He graduated from Douglas High School in Gardnerville, and he also attended Western Nevada College in Carson City. He was first elected in 2014 to the Dresslerville Community Council and reelected in 2018. Then in 2018 was elected to Tribal Vice-Chairman for the Washoe Tribe. Starting from the bottom up, he is knowledgeable about all aspects of running a business and a government. Most importantly, as a Washoe Tribal member, Rueben has placed the Washoe Tribes representation and preservation of Lake Tahoe as one of his top priorities. Rueben often uses a quote to help him govern; it was a quote used by the first graduating class of Stewart Indian School. “We’re not at the top, but climbing.”

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