Melanie Smokey

Educator Curator
[email protected]


An enrolled citizen of the Yomba Shoshone Nation and a descendant of the Washoe Nation, Melanie Smokey has strong ties to the Stewart Indian Boarding School. In 1918, her grandmother, Alice Kawich Hooper, was her first relative to attend the former federal Indian boarding school.

Like many of our relatives, Miss Alice was punished for speaking Newe daygwan, so, she spoke English in the home while Melanie’s  grandfather, Art Hooper, spoke Newe daygwan. Melanie recalls her grandmother stressing the importance of formal education, but also instilled the importance of knowing who and from where she came.

Melanie has those formal credentials from Humboldt State University (HSU) where she was trained by the Indian Teacher Education Personnel Program, earned a Bachelor’s of Arts degree, and completed the teaching credential program. She received a culturally rich education at HSU, and continues to learn from elders for which she is grateful. Also, Melanie recently earned a certification as an iNaturalist through the California Tribal College.

As the SISCCM Education Curator, Melanie creates learning opportunities for guests who may not known about the Indian boarding school experience. She also works with community members who provide classes to help us to remember our past, and celebrate our future.