Starting today, March 12, 2020 you can make a positive impact on your community. Best of all it only takes about 10 minutes of your time.
Census statistics help determine the number of seats each state holds in the House of Representatives & how billions of dollars in federal funds will be allocated by state, local, and federal lawmakers every year for the next 10 years. What kind of economic opportunities communities receive depend in large part on the Census. Everything from education to infrastructure is impacted by our collective response. Please do your part to ensure Indian Country is heard loud and clear!
Go online at
To respond by phone:
English – (844) 330.2020
Spanish – (844) 468.2020
PSA! A few words from @GovSisolak regarding the #NVCensus2020 and how YOU can make a positive impact in your community and Nevada. #BeCountedNV
— Nevada Census 2020 (@NVCensus2020) March 12, 2020
Nevada Indian Commission transitioning to Nevada Department of Native American Affairs
AB516 – In Honor of Native American Heritage Month
SB381 – In Honor of Native American Heritage Month
SB222 – In Honor of Native American Heritage Month
AB140 – In Honor of Native American Heritage Month
AB112 – In Honor of Native American Heritage Month
AB430 – In Honor of Native American Heritage Month
SB391 – In Honor of Native American Heritage Month
AB369 – In Honor of Native American Heritage Month
AB444 – In Honor of Native American Heritage Month